General Mitchell International Airport
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
John B. Loney, Jr.

During the late depression years (from 1938 to July, 1940), a new two-story terminal building was constructed by the Works Progress Administration (WPA). In 1941, the name of the then Milwaukee County Airport was changed to "General Mitchell Field" Brigadier General William "Billy" Mitchell who was born in Milwaukee on December 29, 1879. On June 19, 1986, the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors officially renamed the airport "General Mitchell International Airport," also reflecting the presence of United States Customs at the airport.

This scenery may put a strain on the frame rate question. My system is a 1.01gb, 256 ram and a 3Dforce S series SiS video chip with 64mb video memory and there are times when my frame rate has gone south.

Microsoft almost got this one right. The layout of the airport terminal is about 95% correct. I just added a building on Concourse C and some jet ways to Concourse C, D and E. I also renumbered the gates to make them more realistic for the airport. There's a Beechcraft hangar (fictional) and a fuel tank and sign (also fictional). Some of the airlines servicing the airport are American Eagle, Delta, Air Canada, US Airways, Continental, and Northwest. Below will be a list of downloads you can use for AI traffic.

Files included in this scenery package include: KMKE1,2MKE1and 3MKE1; MKEFltPln.txt, KMKE.SE1, MKE_3.BGL, ATA.vcpmod, American Eagle.vcpmod, America West.vcpmod and USAirways.vcpmod ; and finally, this readme file.

Hopefully you have unzipped these files to a temporary folder and are reading this readme file. Here's what to do with the files you just unzipped.

Using AFCAD, import the three airport layers (KMKE1, 2MKE1,3MKE1) into the program and save. I broke up the airport into layers to have the airlines at their proper terminal. Also, runways 7R will be used for takeoffs and 1L for landings.
Next, cut and paste the contents in MKEFltPln.txt to the decompiled Flight Plans text of your TTools. Be sure the AC numbers are the same as the AC numbers of the planes in your Aircraft text of your TTools.

Move the MKE_3.BGL file to wherever you place your add-on scenery for FS2002. I place mine outside of FS2002. For example, I created a folder called fs2k2_scenery, under which I created a folder named KMKE and under that, there are two folders named scenery and texture. The scenery folder is where I would put my MKE_3.BGL. Now start FS2002, goto world, then scenery library and add the new area in the usual manner.

For the jet ways and stop lines, move the file KMKE.SE1 to SCN sub-folder located in your Lago/FSSE folders.

I have included four call signs that you can update your ATC airline recognition using EditVoicePack. Just import these files in EditVoicePack and update it. The call signs are for ATA, American Eagle, America West, and US Airways. If your atc already recognizes these airlines, there is no need to update the Voicepack.

I can't do this enough. Thanks again to the development teams at Lago and Abacus, also people like Lee Swordy, Mike Stone, Tom Woods, and Lars Mollebjerg, all of you three party developers. Teams like Project AI, Project Opensky, for all of your hard work and input. Thanks a lot you guys!!!!

Recommended aircraft for the flight plans airlines in TTools: by Tom Woods contains US Airways, United and American Eagle by YeoDesigns Team contains Continental by Paul Nordberg contains Northwest by David Rawlins contains Delta by Barry Blaisdell,Bob May,Premier Aircraft Design contains Air Canada by Project Airbus contains America West by Kevin Stewart contains ATA (American Trans Air)

Watch your AC numbers and your titles on the TTools Aircraft text list.

OK, now the legal stuff. Copyright and Distribution

This scenery is freeware. Copyright John B. Loney, Jr. Feel free to add or change this scenery. Especially if you know a more accurate placement of items. (You can give me credit for starting the darn thing.) You do not have my permission to make any monetary gain from this scenery. It started out as freeware and it shall remain freeware.
- The author's rights and wishes concerning this archive must be

Copyright 2002 by John B. Loney, Jr. All Rights Reserved.


I think this should work well. However, I do not accept any responsibility for any damage to any system as a result of running this scenery.

As usual, I welcome any comments. I will try to answer as many as I can.


Have fun and enjoy
John B. Loney, Jr.